Yesterday I got a clean bill of health from my doctor. I've gained a half pound. I've been getting to know my cats. I met Willie this week. He's huge. I'm about as big as his head. He's a little leery of me, staying away for the most part earlier in the week, but yesterday he couldn't stand it any longer and decided we needed to play. I've been needing a wrestling partner and I got one in a big way. This sequence shows me attacking him. Click to make it bigger (like all the pictures). The people stand watch to make sure no teeth are bared. He doesn't know his own strength and the last thing we need is me getting ruptured. Big guy got a new video toy and made this you-tube video. I'm really good in it. Don't care for the music much.If you have trouble playing this here, I've had success at the actual You-Tube site.
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