Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Had a baby tooth pulled yesterday. Set Dad back $400! He wasn't too happy, but my breath should become more tolerable and my bizarro mouth twitches should abate. And what do I have to repay him. Just my unconditional love.

Monday, May 24, 2010

high chair low brow

The latest humiliation involves being forced to sit in this high-chair made for dolly infants. Not only am I not a dolly, I do not sit in chairs like this. Another jab at my size. OK, I'm small and cute like a dolly. I get it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mom and Dad have a cruel sense of humor. Afraid I'll run away now that the weather's improving, they strapped a harness around my body connected to a post so I won't do much exploring beyond the confines of the shop's back porch. It's humiliating and in front of Willie, too, who just gets a big kick out of my embarassment. They have this misguided fantasy that I'm going to allow myself to be guided along on a nice walk outside some future day. More like they'll be taking me for a nice drag.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

my dog

A strange dog comes out of the forest and looks like he wants to have me for dinner. Thank goodness Mom keeps him well fed with table scraps and the occasional slice of bread.They call him "Odee" the coyote. He's missing part of his right, front leg. When you name something, it takes some of the wildness out of the wild creature. It lets you think you've got a chance to be friends.We could have fun, potentially, until he runs down the hill with me in his jaws. That's why Mom keeps a good eye on me and tells me to stay back from the edge of the deck. I scare her once in a while by putting my whole body on that skinny part on the other side of the railing. I love the extra attention, especially with the dog around.It's so funny to hear her get quiet and serious, "Buster. Come back on this side." As if I'm going to get startled and fall off or something. I'm not that clumsy.