Friday, December 31, 2010


So another year begins anew,
For me that is a whopping two.

I resolve to be cuddly and cute,
Dressed up in my soft brown suit.

I resolve to always get my way,
Ignoring what the parents say.

Like jumping on the counter top,
An activity I cannot stop.

Like biting Willy 'round the neck,
His pets are mine so what the heck.

Like climbing people for a better view,
So fun to get their reactions, too.

Sleep with Mom on winter nights.
Always keep her in my sights.

Beg Dad to turn on the gas-powered fire,
Sprawling on the floor is what I desire.

I could go on and on, but isn't it plain to see?
I'll be the best Buster Brown there'll ever be.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry merry

I got a pathetic little candy cane for Christmas.Hallelujah! Guess all's forgiven!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


The question has surfaced on whether I'd be getting anything from Santa this year. The answer is "no" because I'm not nice, I'm naughty. A couple years ago Mom won second place at a quilt show for her owl quilt that she has had hanging on her craft-room wall ever since.I've always found it fascinating, all those owls staring me down, daring me to go for a climb. Well, you know the rest of the story.

Monday, December 13, 2010

a non-Chia Christmas

Can a Chia Pet do this? I hope this video shows off my new Christmas trick to everybody's satisfaction!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

my new video

Hadn't done one of these in a while. It's short and just shows my amazing skills. I love Greenie bag more than the Greenie treats themselves.

Friday, December 3, 2010

my other kind of birthday

A year ago today I flew from Idaho and met my new parents for the very first time. I was a lot smaller then. I still like getting shipped around in carriers. Especially like to get in it when it's cold out and everybody turns the heat off.
Mom's getting stuff ready for Christmas. I just checked out this Pointsetting plant. It's not edible because it isn't real. But I might give it another go later.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Mom needed some help with her baking.
She was missing one key ingredient:
Catnip!Who can resist apron strings?I know Thanksgiving was yesterday.
I'm thankful every day for Mom's warm belly.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Buster rule #3619

Warm air feels good on the butt.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'd like to talk to you today about something very serious. Wait one second while I grab a little shut-eye.Oh yeah, I wanted to tell all my many fans that just because I don't blog more often doesn't mean I don't love you all. Without opposable digits I don't type very well. I'm not even a very good hunt-and-pecker. I have to rely on dictating to dad and he's not always in the mood to translate my thoughts into keystrokes.
I hope I haven't worn out my welcome already.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Buster rule #4328

There's something in every hole.Oh, yeah. Willie's doing much better. Mom and Dad are forcing delicious, fish-flavored medicine down his throat. He gags and runs away. Something about Irritable Bowl Syndrome.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

my friend Willie

My friend Willie has been out of the office the last few days, and I'm not liking it one bit. He's been staging a hunger strike, but he doesn't have a cause he's protesting (unless he's tired of really bad tasting food - I tend to get the best stuff). I've been told Willie has had problems with his stomach/intestines since day one six years ago. This is a little gross, but it seems he has trouble holding food in both ends. If it's not one thing it's the other. How can such a happy, fat cat have such problems. So Mom and Dad took him away after three days of not eating to a doctor who did X-rays and another one who did Ultrasonics and they had to put ivy in his arm (which doesn't sound pleasant - who wants a plant in their arm?). After ruling a bunch of things out, the latest is that he doesn't have cancer or lumps of undigested carpet fibers. His blood and pee look good to the doctors (I try to stay away from those, personally). So we're waiting for the final word from the doctors. I'm personally glad this is all happening because Willie should be happier when his troubles are figured out. I'm also happy because his hospital bill is making mine look like chimp change.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

I'm glad you've had the opportunity to get to know me these last few months. You sure are a nice lady. I was going to get you a present, but then I realized having me is like getting a present every day. The only thing that would make you even more perfect than you already are, is if you'd open the drawer where the Greenies are kept whenever I want in there. That means stopping what your doing at all times, and opening the drawer, not just thinking about it and telling me "no." If something's burning on the stove, it doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things, does it now? This sitting around, begging stuff is getting old, but I digress.

Monday, September 13, 2010


My special friend/fan brought me a cupcake. Just my size! You can't tell in the picture but there's a dog picture in the icing. I guess she tried really hard to find one with a cat picture on it, but no luck. Well, I am honored that she tried so hard. I don't know why, but I just have this effect on people. They're always bending over backwards for me.

year one

My first year has come and gone.
Left my Momma for a new town.
I haven't grown as much as I want.
This is the life of Buster Brown.

They say I'm sleek and sable.
They say I'm a funny clown.
My parents have been OK, I guess.
This is the life of Buster Brown.

In a cage they take me places.
It doesn't get me down.
I feel safer in there sometimes.
This is the life of Buster Brown.

I love Raja and Willie lots.
I don't ever wear a frown.
My eyes are kind of sad though.
This is the life of Buster Brown.

Thanks for following my blog.
It's achieved great renown.
Everybody checking out
This life of Buster Brown.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Dad made a new video of me showing off a talent I've been honing.
Make sure you watch every second.
It's really good as usual because I'm in it the whole time.
I'm much more fun to watch than Katie Couric.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Dad hadn't posted in a while so I told him to get with the program.I said, "People are going to forget how beautiful I am if you don't throw some pictures up on that internet thing.""How can you deny the world my beauty?"
He obviously couldn't argue with me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Saturday, July 24, 2010

crash lappin'

Thursday, July 22, 2010

my mountain

Dad took this picture while I was still sleeping at 5:20 this morning. I'm not in it. He says I don't have to be in every picture. I disagree with that since it's my blog, but I'll let this one slide. It's pretty impressive, what with the fog and trees and all. Not as beautiful as me of course.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mom's green thumb

The flowers outside our carpet store are looking (and smelling) particularly good.As the traffic whizzes by a few heads turn.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

not to be outdone

Willie spread

My friend Willie spreads out in the skylight sunshine. He's very long and weighs about three times as much as me. He's also about three times bigger than me. But I'm about three times smarter.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Mom put a feeder out on a tree stump to tease me and Raja.All these wild pigeons come flying in like it's Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds or something. Kinda creepy, but very entertaining. I'm working on my chattering to let everyone know how dead those pigeons would be if I was allowed out to kill them.Raja has the chattering down perfectly. I'm very impressed. Of course she's about as wild as the birds because she spends half her life outdoors and has tasted their blood. So she's speaking from experience.The whole idea of it is exhausting.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sometimes when you're really tired, haven't had much sleep during the course of your long day, it feels good to lay in a box that's way too small for you.A day spent biting Willie, chasing Raja, getting into trouble with Mom over going for a walk just a bit too far out of the accepted boundary, getting mauled by Willie, getting picked up and held by total strangers and pretending to like it, is all so exhausting.
The box offers sanctuary in an iddy biddy package, until the camera starts snapping...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Had a baby tooth pulled yesterday. Set Dad back $400! He wasn't too happy, but my breath should become more tolerable and my bizarro mouth twitches should abate. And what do I have to repay him. Just my unconditional love.

Monday, May 24, 2010

high chair low brow

The latest humiliation involves being forced to sit in this high-chair made for dolly infants. Not only am I not a dolly, I do not sit in chairs like this. Another jab at my size. OK, I'm small and cute like a dolly. I get it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mom and Dad have a cruel sense of humor. Afraid I'll run away now that the weather's improving, they strapped a harness around my body connected to a post so I won't do much exploring beyond the confines of the shop's back porch. It's humiliating and in front of Willie, too, who just gets a big kick out of my embarassment. They have this misguided fantasy that I'm going to allow myself to be guided along on a nice walk outside some future day. More like they'll be taking me for a nice drag.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

my dog

A strange dog comes out of the forest and looks like he wants to have me for dinner. Thank goodness Mom keeps him well fed with table scraps and the occasional slice of bread.They call him "Odee" the coyote. He's missing part of his right, front leg. When you name something, it takes some of the wildness out of the wild creature. It lets you think you've got a chance to be friends.We could have fun, potentially, until he runs down the hill with me in his jaws. That's why Mom keeps a good eye on me and tells me to stay back from the edge of the deck. I scare her once in a while by putting my whole body on that skinny part on the other side of the railing. I love the extra attention, especially with the dog around.It's so funny to hear her get quiet and serious, "Buster. Come back on this side." As if I'm going to get startled and fall off or something. I'm not that clumsy.