For me that is a whopping two.
I resolve to be cuddly and cute,
Dressed up in my soft brown suit.
I resolve to always get my way,
Ignoring what the parents say.
Like jumping on the counter top,
An activity I cannot stop.
Like biting Willy 'round the neck,
His pets are mine so what the heck.
Like climbing people for a better view,
So fun to get their reactions, too.
Sleep with Mom on winter nights.
Always keep her in my sights.
Beg Dad to turn on the gas-powered fire,
Sprawling on the floor is what I desire.
I could go on and on, but isn't it plain to see?
I'll be the best Buster Brown there'll ever be.
My, that is all very good MEW'S, anxiously awaiting the Buster Brown "Terrible Two's!"
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were a poet, too. You are amazing and so cute. Your Great Grandma Moller would have been proud of you and your word usage.
ReplyDeleteHey little Bro, Willy here....saw those Resolutions....I have an issue with the neck biting thing! They named you Buster Brown, but the didn't name me WILDCAT WILLY for nothing! So watch it!
ReplyDeleteHey little Bro, Raja here....When you finally come home from the shop, after working all day with Mom & Pop, you do really need to un-wind, so I coughed up a hairball for you to find!
ReplyDeleteMom bought me a new cat condo at the Winco store, I really wish she'd bought me more, I can jump in one window & out another & I will not share it with my brother!
ReplyDeleteIt is now a couple of weeks into 2011....what has made you the BEST BUSTER BROWN we'll ever see? ....or have the Terrible Two's won out?
ReplyDeleteYIKES!!!!!! I priced Greenie's today!!!!!! Buster, you better pray that nothing happens to your Mom & Dad because if you came to live with me it would be like going from BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S to the local SOUP KITCHEN!
ReplyDeleteHey Buster Brown, on your Resolution List I did not see "NO BLOGS FOR 2011"! What happened? Did you see your shadow & go back into hibernation?
ReplyDeleteHey, Buster Brown....if you don't get with the might not be the only cat that blogs! Raja & Willy are getting VERY INTERESTED!