My friend Willie has been out of the office the last few days, and I'm not liking it one bit. He's been staging a hunger strike, but he doesn't have a cause he's protesting (unless he's tired of really bad tasting food - I tend to get the best stuff). I've been told Willie has had problems with his stomach/intestines since day one six years ago. This is a little gross, but it seems he has trouble holding food in both ends. If it's not one thing it's the other. How can such a happy, fat cat have such problems.

So Mom and Dad took him away after three days of not eating to a doctor who did X-rays and another one who did Ultrasonics and they had to put ivy in his arm (which doesn't sound pleasant - who wants a plant in their arm?). After ruling a bunch of things out, the latest is that he doesn't have cancer or lumps of undigested carpet fibers. His blood and pee look good to the doctors (I try to stay away from those, personally). So we're waiting for the final word from the doctors. I'm personally glad this is all happening because Willie should be happier when his troubles are figured out. I'm also happy because his hospital bill is making mine look like chimp change.