Since arriving to Oregon on December 4th, 2009, I've gotten a little bigger. Not much. Dad found a picture of the night I arrived sitting in my old cardboard box.You know, 3 months and 25 days later, I still kinda fit.
I don't like it when the other cat's get pets. If Mom or Dad massage the back of Willie's neck or scratch behind his ears, I'm right there disrupting things, biting him and making a general nuisance of myself until he's forced to leave. Then the fingers of the parents are mine, all mine. I see nothing at all wrong with this behavior.
Still on the mend and the medicine's awful, but I'm feeling better and I only cost Dad $40. He literally fell on the floor when he learned I was so affordable this time around. I then jumped on his face and purred in his ear.
Baby teeth on both sides of my mouth are flappin' in the breeze, driving me crazy, especially when I eat. The vet said I even bit my tongue and I've got a nice sore developing. I'm on antibiotics and soft food for a while.
My mouth hurts and Mom's going to call the vet and she thinks it looks like one of my baby teeth has a problem and it just feels bad as I'm eating. I keep licking the side of my mouth and I'm all fidgety and nervous from the pain. We'll see what the vet says. Dad says I cost him nothing but money. Hope I'm worth it.
My people transport me back and forth from home to work quite often. I told them today that I was embarassed for myself and them to be driving around in such a filthy car. It needs to be cleaned inside and out. I told them, "People, if you can't afford a new car, at least keep the one you've got looking nice." Oh, and I almost don't even notice my lack of balls now.