Thursday, April 29, 2010

sunshine recycling

We've had a lot of weird weather lately. I looked out the window at Mom watering some new grass with her sprinkler and then it started raining on her. That was entertaining. Humans are silly. Then the next day it was sunny in the morning and that always makes me spread out to expose more of my beautiful brown surface area to those lovely rays of sunshine. They make my fur glisten.
On a more serious note: Everyone should recycle. We do at the office. I'm very big into recycling.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


You can't see what we're looking at in this picture, but let me tell you, it's exciting.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I suffer from a fairly common affliction in active kittens: Restless Tail Syndrome. "Suffer" may be a little harsh for a description. Depending on your point of view, it can be a good thing. It keeps me interested when times are slow, when no one's entertaining me. It can be incredibly distracting, however, when someone's trying to grab my attention and I get distracted by the thing. There's nothing I can do about it. RTS will be with me for the rest of my days.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

stuff I want

Mom's got good stuff in her purse in the drawer at work. I don't share with Willie. In fact, I growl at Willie if he gets close to the stuff I want. This is perfectly acceptable behavior, because I said so.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

chillin' by the fire

You'd think with some of the more recent pictures that I like to relax, and you'd be right. The mornings have been a little cool lately, and when Dad cranks the heat I can't resist.

Friday, April 9, 2010

serious surfing

When I get a little time to myself, I like to get on the computer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter party

All these strange people, some of whom I've never met, invaded my house on Sunday. They petted me and said "oooh" and "awww" a lot and then they ate some hunk of beef roast thing that Mom made. Then they sat down and talked and laughed and told stories and I kept both eyes on them the whole time between naps.This was the view I had from the top of the tree. With as noisy as they were, it was a wonder I was able to sleep at all.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter vid

Dad threw together a little video with some somber, dramatic music because, you know, he's arty. I'm quite good in it as usual. My favorite part is when he wrestles me on the stairs and I bite his hand to show him who's boss. No actually, my favorite part is when I'm following him around the couch and it gets dark and the music gets creepy and all you can see are my eyes for a fraction of a second. That happens at about the 40 second mark. That's my favoritest part.