Sunday, December 27, 2009

peanut and bag

My newest favorite toy is the peanut. It's got some bulk to it, clunks along real nicely when I'm smacking it across the floor into a wall,and I can carry it along with me, so the portability rating is quite high. The Raja cat can be fun. She gets into playful moods and hides in bags with her big bushy tail hanging out. It's big fun to jump on the tail, have her run from the bag and pursue her as she hisses for the nearest hiding place.You'd think I was as big as her, the way she runs from me sometimes. I'm working on my mo-men-thumb. Big guy throws the peanut or paper across the floor and I skidaddle along and can't stop as I slam into a wall. He says I get good mo-men-thumb going.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

my incredible agility

As this sequence shows (click the image to appreciate it larger),
I am the master of the sneak-attack. As Feather floats by, I appear out of nowhere and pin it to the hardwood. Feather knows not what hit it.
My amazing speed is a blur before the camera. Once in a while I allow myself to be held by people who respect my prowess who have tasty thumbs.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

fun with paper

The big guy has way too much time on his hands or he just doesn't sleep. I've got another video that will waste two minutes of your life. I'm very athletic and I go with most home furnishings, color-wise. I think that was one of the deciding factors in getting a beautiful sable-colored cat like me, because I photograph well with the decor. That nice lady came back and brought me a couple Christmas presents: a cloth sack with dangle ball things and a water dish. I'm liking this whole situation more and more.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Yesterday I got a clean bill of health from my doctor. I've gained a half pound. I've been getting to know my cats. I met Willie this week. He's huge. I'm about as big as his head. He's a little leery of me, staying away for the most part earlier in the week, but yesterday he couldn't stand it any longer and decided we needed to play. I've been needing a wrestling partner and I got one in a big way. This sequence shows me attacking him. Click to make it bigger (like all the pictures).
The people stand watch to make sure no teeth are bared. He doesn't know his own strength and the last thing we need is me getting ruptured. Big guy got a new video toy and made this you-tube video. I'm really good in it. Don't care for the music much.If you have trouble playing this here, I've had success at the actual You-Tube site.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

another Sunday already

I amaze myself with how much I'm getting used to things around the house. I go up and down stairs to different levels. They basically have given me free run of the place. And I run all over. My feet spin out on the hardwoods as I get a grip and than thrump along after the next wad of paper.The Raja cat seems to be tolerating me more and more. I only smell her hissy breath occasionally. She's taken to hitting at me (claws in) to suggest I get the hell off her tree.
We eat together regularly.
But I sleep alone for now.

Friday, December 11, 2009


They have all these fake mice with bells on their tails and other expensive toys that are interesting to sniff as I bounce around from one to the next with my attention deficit disorder, but nothing compares to wadded up paper on the stairs. When I'm able to find where he throws it (I forget when it lands a number of steps beyond my line of sight), I claw it and attack it and it has enough crinkly edges to grab in my mouth and I bring it back for another throw.They've been taking me to another place during the weekdays but won't let me roam from the little room where this work goes on. I've caught glimpses of rug samples, seen another cat that is ignoring me, and had a few really nice visitors that I've shown a few tricks to. I'm very talented and good at what I do. Just yesterday, I showed this nice lady how I get into my catbox all by myself, do the duty, and then hide the disgusting thing.
There's this other cat looking at me all the time, but she won't come out of this glass. I think they call her Katie. She was here for 16 years before they put her behind the glass.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

staying warm

All around the house are these holes in the floor that I can't get into that have warm air coming through. Very pleasant to sit on. I don't have a lot of hair, so I seek out any way to get warm. A pair of hands are good, too. The ultimate way to stay warm is to run around like a crazy-cat, faster than the human eye can perceive, and take a flying leap at the Raja cat. I told the big guy to edit out my ass, but he decided to keep it in.
She can only take so much, I've found out. One fine day, in the near future, she will love me and give up her tree, especially when she understands how serious I am.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

feeling better

I'm starting to feel like my old self. I've been down with some kind of virus the past couple days. I asked the big guy not to take any pictures, because I feel rather puny. All pictures should show off my best features. Anyway, the nice doctor people poked and prodded me and put liquid under my skin to warm me up and get me soggy again. I'm taking anti-botics and salving my eyes. I couldn't smell my food because my nose was plugged pretty full, but today I'm chowing down and feeling better.
Big guy talked me into letting him put one picture up of their other cat called Raja. She's queen of the tree. Lots of hair. Pretty to look at. Aloof.
One day her top tree spot will be mine.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

is this what they call a lazy Sunday?

I've got a slight cold that's wearing me out and causing my people slight concern because I sleep a lot. I'm still in the middle of a major transition, so give me a break. Oh, but not too much of a break. More things to rip and tear. And there's a lap. I like it when they stay still.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

getting braver

I love but want to kill peacock feather. It whips around and teases me, I catch it and it's off again. It does keep my mind off all the adjustments I'm being forced to make. The Mom-lady took the day off work yesterday to be with me. Evidently, I had kept her up most of the previous night as part of this adjustment phase. Peacock feather! I will tear you apart one day soon. I surprised the new parents with my claw-sharpening skills on the slanted cardboard thing. I really get into sharpening my claws, especially when I know they will be used to kill peacock feather.

Friday, December 4, 2009

a full day

Met the new folks today. They say I rode in on a plane. I don't remember much but a loud droning and darkness. If I hear the words tiny or small or is he really 12 weeks old one more time, I'm going to learn how to meow. Their world is big and echoey and loud. They walk around the kitchen and the pots and pans and dishes smash around. I can't help reacting to everything. And their cat hissed at me after we touched noses. I thought it was my other Mom for a moment. I've found riding on shoulders makes me feel most secure. I'm exhausted.

Monday, November 30, 2009

almost to the new place

I'm sitting in Idaho at the moment with my Mom, Aunt and siblings, and the nice lady who takes care of us says I'm going to be shipping off to Oregon soon to be with a couple of nice people who have cats. The lady sent these pictures to the people to keep them interested, I guess.I'm in there somewhere. I'm a Sable Burmese so I'm darker.
My siblings are lighter.
I don't think I'm in this shot.
That's me.
They named me Buster Brown.
Real creative.
I'm a Sable Burmese, a dignified creature, separate from your average cat, and they couldn't do better than Buster Brown.
I was born September 13 and my parents are Willow and Stanley.
So long folks. I've known you all of about 12 weeks and I'm off to start this radical new life, away from the warmth of my mother and siblings.
Thursday, December 3rd, they're telling me. Great.
How will I get there? What's an air cargo?